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CHILDREN’S TOWN in the Holy City of Jerusalem, was founded in the early 1970’s by  the late Rabbi Menachem Porush, of blessed memory. This was  a continuation  of our CHILDREN’S DAY NURSERIES  which he  had founded in the  late 1950's. 

Children's Day Nurseries and Childrens 's Town  are  led today by his successor,  his grandson  Rabbi Dovid Porush who is the Chairman of the Board.

Children's Day Nurseries  continue to offer outstanding  day care services to thousands of  young children, boys and girls, throughout  the holy city of  Jerusalem and its suburbs. 

The late Rabbi Menachem Porush, obm  who was well known for his charitable activities, was a  member of the Israeli Knesset for over 35 years. Part of that time he also served as Deputy Minister of Labor and Social Welfare, and was therefore well aware of the need for Children’s Town.

The FAMILY UNITS, located in CHILDREN’S TOWN,   takes care of tragedy-stricken children, as well as children from broken homes. These residences were originally  established as a result of the wars in Israel, which left many children homeless. In order to save these children from parental and spiritual neglect, CHILDREN’S TOWN opened its doors  to provide them with a warm, secure home.

Our FAMILY UNITS which proved so successful , continue to provide a home for tragedy-stricken children. With the help of our professional dedicated staff of teachers, social workers and psychologists we give the children an opportunity to develop to their full potential and to grow into mature adults of whom we can all be proud.

CHILDREN’S TOWN is recognized in Israel and throughtout the world. We have been honored with visits from former and current  Presidents, Prime Ministers, Chief Rabbis distinguished personalities. It is renowned and supported by friends throughout the five continents of the world.                                 

Today, CHILDREN’S DAY NURSERIES and CHILDREN’S TOWN has over 3.100 children whom are educated in  our day nurseries, girls school and  aprox 100 children whom  live in our FAMILY UNITS .